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Cell Line: Neuro2a
Cell Type: neuroblast
Description:  Murine neuroblast
other names: Neuro-2a, N2a
application: pDNA
Recommendation:  ScreenFect A

Recommendation based on in-house testing or customer feedback.

Recommendation:  ScreenFect®A

Transfection conditions*

Format: 96-well 24-well 6-well
ScreenFect volume: 0,375 µl 2,1 µl 6 µl
Amount of nucleic acid: 75 ng 300 ng 1000 ng
DNA:reagent ratio (µg:µl):  1:5 1:7 1:6
Cell number (cells/well) 40.000 - -
to achieve 90-100% confluency 24h post transfection
* The values given refer to the recommended One-Step method.
See our manual for further details: Download Manual
Transfection efficiency: 57 % - -
Viability: 89% - -
ScreenFect Enhacer addition leads to the following results:      
Transfection efficiency increase: - - -

Note: The Two-Step method leads to slightly decreased transfection results.


Alternative product:  ScreenFect®A plus

Format: 96-well 24-well 6-well
ScreenFect volume: 0,225µl 1,2 µl 4 µl
Amount of nucleic acid: 75 ng 300 ng 1000 ng
DNA:reagent ratio (µg:µl):  1:3 1:4 1:4
Cell number (cells/well) 40.000 - -
to achieve 90-100% confluency 24h post transfection
* The values given refer to the recommended One-Step method.
See our manual for further details: Download Manual
Transfection efficiency: 56 % - -
Viability: 90% - -
ScreenFect Enhacer addition leads to the following results:      
Transfection efficiency increase: - - -

Note: The Two-Step method leads to slightly decreased transfection results.


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